Monday 14 April 2014

Liebster Blog Award | Inspiration à porter

I want to thank Kate from so much for nominating me for this "Liebster Blog Award". I'm so excited to answer all of her questions and I hope you like this post as well. 

First of all I want to show you the rules of this TAG: 

1. Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Post 11 random facts about you
3. Answer the 11 random questions set by the blogger who nominated you
4. Nominate bloggers with fewer than 200 followers for the award, excluding who nominated you, with questions for them to answer. (I will try to find as many of them as I can :))
5. Let the nominees know that you've nominated them

So let's get started!

11 random facts about me

1. I'm German but living in Switzerland
2. I've been living 10 months in France, doing an High-School year over there
3. I speak German, English, French, (Swiss :D) and a little bit of Italian
4. I love Sex and the City (All time favorite series)
5. My favorite city until today is Paris
6. I have very curly hair and it would take hours to straighten it haha
7. I love mexican food
8. Usually when I'm ordering a drink after 10 I have to show my passport ;)
9. My new favorite snack are kale chips
10. I'm always loosing my socks no matter how much I try to keep them organized
11. I'm going to study communications and photography 

11 questions by The wonderful world of Kate answered by me

1.Which is your favourite makeup brand if you had to choose?
 My favorite Make-up brand in the high-end section would be Nars and Chanel. For drugstore Make-up I would stick with Revlon. 

2. Which is your favourite time of the year? Spring/ Summer/ Autumn/ Winter?
My favorite time of the year is Spring

3. What is your most liked movie of all times?
My most liked movie of all times is "Breakfast at Tiffanys"

4. Do you prefer accenting your lips or your eyes?
I love to do both. At the moment I'm more into accenting my lips. 

5. What's your best inspiration for going to the gym?
 My best inspiration are the girls from which I'm going to write a blog post about very soon. Also the thought of being healthy and living healthy motivates me a lot. I just feel so good afterwards. 

6. What is your favourite food?
My favorite food are pancakes with maple syrup

7. What is your next beauty/fashion investment? 
My next beauty investment is probably going to be the a perfume. I'm not sure which one's definitely going to be the one :)

8. What is the song you love the most at the moment?
The song I love the most at the moment is "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers

9. Which is your favourite fashion trend this season?
My favorite fashion trend this season are definitely busted boyfriend jeans or busted jeans in general. 

10. If you had to choose a perfume to express Spring the best which would you choose?
I would definitely choose eaudemoiselle by Givenchy

11. What book are you reading at the moment?
I'm currently reading "The Body Book" by Cameron Diaz

My nominees are: 


(I'm not really following more people without a huge amount of followers but if I find someone I'll just paste the person in here :))

My 11 questions for you are: 

1.What's your favourite colour?
2.What's your favourite workout or sport?
3. What's your favourite clothing brand?
4. What's your favourite TV Show? 
5. What are your favourite treats?
6. Without what would you never ever leave your house?
7. Which country would you love to visit at some point? 
8. Which fashion and beauty magazine is your favourite?
9. What's your favourite book? 
10. Which is in your eyes the best music album ever?
11. What do you want to become after Uni, School? Or what are you doing?

Thank you so much again for tagging me and I hope you liked this post! 



  1. Oh dear I think my last comment didn't come through so here I go again :) After you mentioned Mexican food I totally forgot to put that to my favourite food. No one can deny the pure bliss of a Burrito :D. I totally agree on Paris! That city is sooo beautiful and breathtaking. I have been there last autumn and it's unbelievable huge and yet every little corner is a new surprise! Have you been to Lafayette? The best place to go shopping and get poor of all times ;D How is the "body book" by Cameron Diaz? Is it worth reading?
    XX Katie

    1. Oh yes you're so right I love, love, love burritos haha. I've been there last automn too for the last time that's really funny :). Yes I've been to Lafayette once and it was breathtaking. Well I've just started reading it so I can't give you a complete review on it. Until now I really like what I'm reading and I'm actually thinking of writing a book review about it on the blog as soon as I'm done with reading. :)

  2. Congrats on your award! Loved to get to know you better! Very cool that you can speak so many languages!

